Listing Agent: Mark Seely

Petal to the Metal | ROSE PARK

1089 N 1500 W, Salt Lake City, 84116 / Rose Park
1.00Garage Spaces
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Nestled on a timeless, tree-lined street in classic Rose Park, we present to you the very definition of "The House that Love Built."

MLS # 2033084

Discard any previous notion of renovations you may have held, this 1950's beauty is next-level elegance -

a freshly cut bouquet of elevated lifestyle, from root to blossom. Fenced in its entirety, the yard features a fountain, custom designed pergola (with grapevines) a koi pond, fruit trees, and garden planters - just to name a few! And no such oasis could be considered complete sans private sauna (sheesh!) and an exterior shower, to cascade upon budding green thumbs and opening hearts a’bloom.

As if the aforementioned wouldn't be enough to inspire the planting of one's seed, the homes interior boasts 1600 square feet, on the main level alone - with an abundance of intricate, lavish design details. 

A carefully considered layout seamlessly blends modernity with old world charm, gently leading us from one breathtaking moment to the next - from oak bookshelves and cherry shoji panels, to exposed cedar beams and the forever classic fireplace, that much and more topped with an upper level, loft style fully stocked suite.

All in all, this is the perfect arrangement of style and comfort.

A rose by any other name, could never "home" as sweet - and we hand-picked this one, especially for you.

Rose Park

Her winding fingers have been arranged to resemble a bundle of roses, with the longest—the aptly-named American Beauty Drive—acting as a single stem. Rose Park is soccer fields, barbecues, friendly folks, and fenced front yards. Keep an eye on this neighborhood—she’s easily underestimated.
Rose Park

Mark Seely

Listing Agent - 801.637.4220

Mark Seely glories in aesthetic in all her forms; art, architecture, nature, and the like are equally venerated. He’s made a life’s work of delighting and participating in the facets of his inspiration via various routes of fashion, construction, and design. As our COLLECTIVE’s tallest drink of whiskey, this gentleman and artist will continue to explore another of his fascinations – the inhabitants of SLC – by way of his real-estate prowess. Mark’s equal to the mantra ("love where you live")…years of experience and a confident, tattooed hand will make sure you are, too.
Meet Mark

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