Listing Agent: Mark Seely

39 Chicago St

39 Chicago St, Salt Lake City, UT, 84116 / Rose Park
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Down to the nitty gritty, this adorable home has been redone with integrity, permits, and style. The renovations on this turn-of-the-century, single-level-living bungalow is precisely what the doctor ordered. What's been done within the last few years? Well, plenty of updates, to be sure- the furnace, A/C, water, heating, plumbing, and electrical among them. The neighborhood is just about as close to downtown as you can be, without the chaos and parking conundrums. Fairpark [just south of Rose Park] is close to the fair grounds, right by TRAX, near plenty of parks, and [lucky you] Red Iguana adjacent. 

Rose Park

Her winding fingers have been arranged to resemble a bundle of roses, with the longest—the aptly-named American Beauty Drive—acting as a single stem. Rose Park is soccer fields, barbecues, friendly folks, and fenced front yards. Keep an eye on this neighborhood—she’s easily underestimated.
Rose Park

Mark Seely

Listing Agent - 801.637.4220

Mark Seely glories in aesthetic in all her forms; art, architecture, nature, and the like are equally venerated. He’s made a life’s work of delighting and participating in the facets of his inspiration via various routes of fashion, construction, and design. As our COLLECTIVE’s tallest drink of whiskey, this gentleman and artist will continue to explore another of his fascinations – the inhabitants of SLC – by way of his real-estate prowess. Mark’s equal to the mantra ("love where you live")…years of experience and a confident, tattooed hand will make sure you are, too.
Meet Mark

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