Locals + Culture


We've mentioned a time or two (or thousand) in the past that we hold a few dictums nearer and dearer than the rest: clean lines, fine design, and supporting local with a die-hard ferocity are of the utmost importance to our COLLECTIVE soul, and we're doing what we can to keep the torch burning. A major means to that end is our Life in Your Space ad campaign, which we've been running since the start of 2014. In each and every case (be it David, Jess & Nata, Marc Anthony, the Chiaramontes, or Scott Evans) we seek to do one thing: highlight those that share in our sincere love of space. We point a loving (and grateful) finger in the direction of our clients and friends who have let us help them practice that which is most important: loving where you live. Our campaign focuses on the smart folks who have found what's most important in their lives and used that knowledge to create a space which perfectly reflects and happily houses them. It is a beautiful fucking thing.

in a few cases, the connection is reeeeaaallly direct and personal.

In each campaign, the cityhomeCOLLECTIVE ties to the subject are as direct as they are personal: we've represented them in the sale of a home they've outgrown or the purchase of the one they dreamed of; or we've helped them to design the space they always wanted. And, in a few cases, the connection is reeeeaaallly direct and personal…like, maybe the campaign focuses on the person who started this whole damn thing. The dude from whence the very mantra--love where you live--was born. The fella that lives, breathes, and obsesses about the personal and profound nature of design on the daily. Yes, this is one such time. Our subject is none other than Cody Vaughn Derrick.

a clean and tight lesson in practicing exactly what you preach. 

Call us narcissistic if you like. But when you preach every-effing-day about the importance of finding or creating one's perfect space--and your boss has designed a home that speaks so succinctly to the message that you could just die--then you find a way to work that place into the god damn campaign trail. #knawmean? Cody Derrick's home is our flagship example of what we do here at cityhomeCOLLECTIVE--a clean and tight lesson in practicing exactly what you preach, in part because he was already doing the work long before the preaching ever began. Our COLLECTIVE Captain is a multi-faceted creature, and his home (both current and those in the past) directly reflects the efforts of someone who has a taken a moment to determine what it is that they need to thrive. And then gone after it. The space--handsomely seated in the historic Maryland building on South Temple--clearly stands on its own as a veritable work of art. Each piece has been purposefully placed with a discerning and keen eye for design. The Maryland Condo is warm and welcoming yet decidedly masculine (not unlike its designer, as it were).

Find your people. Find yourself. Find your space. And make it unmistakably yours.

Naturally, Cody's space was a perfect match for our campaign dedicated to celebrating those that celebrate their space (and naturally, the meticulous monsieur wanted a hand in the art direction--even while he was in front of camera). George Oakley, our dedicated/talented/all-out-fantastic ad photographer, managed to snap a few shots of Cody, his mad-talented fella Andrew, and their pup Pearl noshing on some cheap Chinese and sipping some bubbly. Luckily, they're all absurdly photogenic, so the shoot was a relative breeze (gorgeous shots below captured by our very fave, Kerri Fukui). Keep an eye out for the upcoming summer issue of Utah Style & Design, where the delightful threesome will be sprawling two beautiful pages (if you simply can't wait, you can try to get your mitts on the Mother's Day edition of the Salt Lake Tribune or glimpse the wee preview at the bottom of the story). Some will always shake a disapproving head, but we think those happy mugs are simply a testament to having all the folks you love in whatever place you see fit to call home. It doesn't have to be fancy. It just has to be you, living an authentic and purposeful life. Find your people. Find yourself. Find your space. And make it unmistakably yours.

"Counterfeit lifestyle"? We COLLECTIVELY disagree.


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