Listing Agent: Virginia  Ulibarri

Aves Magic | On 8th

453 E 8th Ave, Salt Lake City, 84103 / The Avenues
2.00Garage Spaces
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Perched on the corner of F Street and 8th, this Avenues home is brimming with perks…

MLS # 1727453

Large, south-facing windows, original hardwood floors, a fireplace, and a detached, two-car garage are just a few.

The basement bathroom has recently (and beautifully) been completed, and the rest of the sub-space is a blank slate ready to finish off in whatever manner you please (with that separate entrance, we’re thinking a mother-in-law or work from home space would be a snap).

A partially xeriscaped front yard and new concrete block patio offer a lovely environment in which to sit, sip, and wave at passersby, and the spacious back yard—itself outfitted with a charming kitchen garden—affords a lovely space to enjoy the outdoors.

It’s just a dash to Avenues Proper, but this place is surrounded on all sides by block after walkable Aves block.

Welcome home, indeed.

The Avenues

As Salt Lake’s first actual neighborhood, the Aves is packed with as much history as an Antiques Roadshow marathon. Streets A through U feature homes from Victorians to remodels and been-fixed-uppers, and the equal parts spooky and captivating Salt Lake City Cemetery rests eternally on 2nd.
The Avenues

Virginia Ulibarri

Virginia Ulibarri is an integrator of people, places and things. Stated simply, she delights in connection. Experience in legal and management provide the platform for function, but a solid backgrounds in architecture, drafting, and design have lent fresh perspective and a creative click in Virginia's efforts at our COLLECTIVE. Virginia’s inspired by any built environment that fuses balance, form and beauty, and as the Committee Chair for Salt Lake Modern, she's an avid champion of the preservation of mid-century modern and other architecturally notable structures in our state. As an agent and home stylist, she’s able to satisfy a personal desire to connect the folks with a space they love, or help them create a perfect space for the next happy owner. Passion infused with lattés yields a potent combination.

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