Enveloped by towering mountains that might be overlooked in our daily routine, Big Cottonwood Canyon provides a simple escape into nature. Whether we seek solitude or the company of our dearest friends, Cabin Life is ready to whisk us away to a whole new world. Just 30 minutes away from the hustle and bustle of the city, rests the Cottonwood Chalet. Originally built in 1969, this A-frame cabin is the perfect retreat for a reset, something we all need every so often. It has everything we need, and nothing we don’t. What are we waiting for...
a change of scenery inspires days of dreamery.
Slowing down, it’s more difficult than it sounds. In the world we live in, where we want everything quicker, everything with the touch of a screen, or where we spend hours scrolling. We forget the beauty in slowing down. Each ordinary task we rush to get through suddenly becomes brighter and lighter the slower we do it. The care and thought we put into every touch, breath, and action catapults us into the current moment. Our creativity begins to blossom.
Heating water for a cup of tea turns into a dance—skipping to the sink, filling the kettle a little too full, almost spilling, spinning back to the stove, placing the kettle down, and waiting to hear the kettle sing. Enjoying the time and silence as the water begins to boil. The slow rumble until the kettle sings its song. Boiling water flows atop the teabag in the cup, and the color starts to grow.
You’re transforming. You’re an artist.
Take a breath in. Let a slow breath out. We start to see more vividly.
Everything is more beautiful. The sky is bluer. The snow is brighter. The strings on your guitar are louder. The trees have knots that look like artwork carefully carved ages ago. The vaulted ceilings of the cabin embrace you with what feels like a hug and remind you to come again, soon. It’s always there when you need it and you make a promise that you’ll never forget about Cabin Life.