Locals + Culture

Art Staging: Available Paintings By Nolan Flynn

  1. I recently had the opportunity to assist with a staging project for a very special cityhome listing, presented by our own Brian Tripoli. This quintessential modern home is architecturally decadent yet minimalist in design, with sky-high windows that allow natural light to fill its bright white interior. More than just a beautiful home, this space has all the makings of a contemporary gallery space – and with plenty of walls to feature local talent. As an art curator and real estate agent, I love combining these realms to help clients enhance their space while also supporting living artists in the process.


For this staging project, I chose to bring in original paintings by Salt Lake City artist Nolan Flynn...

whose abstract work added perfect pops of color to the home’s minimalist modern design.

  1. Our staging team took a streamlined approach to furniture and décor, allowing the art curation to become a focal point in the design. Another element of art staging is that potential home buyers, other real estate agents or viewers of the home can also purchase the work on display. While this property is unsurprisingly already under contract, the paintings are still available for purchase for our community. Learn more about the artist below and click here for a price list of available pieces.

Nolan Flynn is a Salt Lake City painter, educator, and researcher whose paintings “challenge our notion of a complete piece, capturing the narrative behind decisions within the work.” His painting process includes scribing fleeting notes directly onto the canvas, which represent emotions or experiences associated with the painting’s creation. Shying away from typical notions of beauty, Nolan embraces unexpected color palettes, compositional styles and materials; he uses unusual mediums such as Crayola markers or airbrush paint, layered with more traditional oil media. The result is primal, gestural abstraction that captivates the viewer yet allows for open-ended interpretation.


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