Updates + Love Notes

Seller's [Full] Disclosures | An Intro

7/6/2016 | Amy Tibbals
Lucy Call

We know a few things in this world to be certainly certain, and among the most certain of that short list is the stressful nature of the home buying (and selling) process. It's not easy, friends. We see it every single day. Yes, we're damn good at what we do, and yes, we love it with a sweeping ferocity…but this gig ain't for the faint of heart. Deals fall through, and shit goes wrong. People lose their cool, their keys, and occasionally, their minds. But we're acutely aware of one very important fact: on both ends of every home we help buy or sell is a client. As we see it, each client is a VIP who's just doing their very best to find the space in which they belong or get rid of the one in which they don't.

we're in the business of matching folks with their spatial soulmates

On both sides of any given deal, there's loads of stuff to be disclosed. If you've ever bought or sold a house, chances are you're familiar with something called "Seller's Disclosures". It's a sheet of boxes to check and submit to the MLS in the interest of disclosing the most accurate and up-to-date information available about the space in question. The Seller's Disclosures wants to know whether your home has ever been flooded or in a fire. It wants to know whether you've ever had termites. It wants to know your HOA information and the state of your foundation. And yes, this stuff is all necessary, but it's not really fun, is it? As we're in the business of matching folks with their spatial soulmates, we thought we'd take this aspect of the matchmaking process to a more personal level.

Here you'll be able to find the info that you won't find on the MLS.

With that all in mind, we'd like to unveil the cityhomeCOLLECTIVE Seller's [Full] Disclosures. Here you'll be able to find the info that you won't find on the MLS. Straight from the seller's mouth, and in their own (sometimes shoddy) handwriting. You'll learn what season makes the home come alive, and all about the best bash ever held inside. You'll discover the best seat in the house, and which celeb they liken their space to. You'll find out what drew them to the house in the first place. The trees, the yard, the snow cone shack down the street? You know--the fun stuff. For our first run, we thought we'd have our COLLECTIVE Head Honcho fill out the form…just so you can see what to expect. No, his fantastic place isn't for sale, but there will be plenty of others that are. And when you see them, you'll get the full scoop, right there in our listing write-ups. So keep a watch and have a read. This is the stuff that'll have you falling squarely in love with your future home. Then ring us up. We'll do whatever we can to get you those keys. Because buying and selling is scary enough.

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