Listing Agent: Corigan Kushma

4633 Quail Vista Ln #F

4633 Quail Vista Ln #F, Holladay, UT, 84117 / Holladay
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We all need a sanctuary - a place to keep safe, away from the rest of the world. A place that calms and nurtures us every time we return to it. Lucky for you, we may have just the place for those seeking such a tranquil space. This one happens to be perched high in the trees - third floor to be exact - in a serene little complex named Quailbrook East. We think you'll love the open floorplan, the lovely main bathroom, the many updates and calming colors throughout, and the fact that it always seems to be bursting with natural light. This is a whole lotta good life wrapped neatly in one tidy condo. Come and get it. 


This south-easterly-located sweet spot is home to a delicious juxtaposition of "hole in the wall"-style dives and sprawling estates (see: the monumental homes of Walker Lane, bookended by the Cotton Bottom Inn). Holladay is home to a stylistically-quaint atmosphere and a pedestrian-friendly sense of community.

Corigan Kushma

Listing Agent - 435.770.8783

Corigan has landed in our circle with a background laden in travel and varied efforts. A former wild-land firefighter/model/archeologist, among other things, she attained a real estate license as a direct result of interest in real estate law. A certified negotiations expert, Corigan wields a good bit of COLLECTIVE clout, but we’re also smitten with her passion for historic preservation, adaptive re-use, and sustainable building practices. A top producing agent, her vast catalog of skills can be reduced to a savvy ability to identify with client needs, be they in residential or commercial capacities. Translation: smooth, seasoned sailing for your transaction.
Meet Corigan

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