whoa. Okay.
It’s been quite a year this last week, and if you’re not reeling at the daily (even hourly) updates inundating US residents right now then you aren’t paying attention. And, if the current global situation weren't taxing enough, the largest local earthquake since '92 shook up even the most stoic of citizens in our state. While we consider ourselves to be fiercely optimistic, forgive us if we fail to mince words at the moment: Shit. Has gotten. Real.
It’s wild. And while we know this community is probably one of the greatest in the nation in which to experience a global crisis like this one, we’re also doing our part to—for now—stay altogether out of it, thank you. Yep, we’re COLLECTIVELY doing our civic duty and practicing a bit of self-quarantine, and as much as we feel like we’re living in a low-budget disaster movie, we also know that right now the most responsible thing we can do is head inside.
However, just because we’re in the midst of the old “PJs-at-2pm” shuffle doesn’t mean we’re not also diligently working to keep this little company of ours humming along. Our agents are still doing the work and they're happy to meet with you—virtually or otherwise. We’re here for you now, and we’ll continue to be here for you once we come out of the other side of this (and we WILL come out the other side of this). That said, we’ll be churning out all sorts of new content for y’all in the coming weeks: some informative, some helpful, some just-for-fun stuff. But, as the ever-evolving notion of “home” is sort of what we’re all about, you’ll notice most of this upcoming stuff will be leaning toward that space we’re about to see oh-so-much of.
Up first: a few of our suggestions for how to keep busy and do good by your home and by yourself (in both senses of the word) during your extended stay at Hotel Su Casa...
1. Give your home some love: Rarely, if ever, do we see our homes as the shelters that they are. During this, the time of the ultimate “Life in Your Space,” take some time to give your walls, windows, and walkways a little of the love they give you every day. Tidy up (we’ve heard it equates to a tidy mind), light a candle, and take a few deep breaths. We’re going to get through this.
2. Clean off your houseplants: Not only does giving your greenery a good wipe-down make it look a little cuter, but it also helps our leafy friends photosynthesize (see: eat!). The easier and better a plant can photosynthesize, the healthier and happier it’ll be. Simply give leaves a gentle once-over with a damp washcloth and voila! You’ll both be breathing easier in no time.
3. Go for a solo hike/walk: The growing pains of “social distancing” are still relatively new, but (for now, at least), we’re not limited to the confines of our interiors. Pick a playlist or podcast and take a solo walk around your ‘hood or a nearby park. Just be sure to adhere to best/safest practices (like the 6 ft. rule), and--as always--opt out if you’re not feeling well.
4. Learn a new skill on Youtube: Let’s take these mandatory nights in and use them to our advantage. How awesome will it be to emerge from your chrysalis having learned how to wolf whistle, do a kick-flip, make a paper crane, or play that sick harmonica? If you’re willing to shell out some dollars, you can even take an online Master Class from a pro, like a storytelling class from David Sedaris, a cooking class from Thomas Keller, or a tennis lesson from Serena Williams.
5. Organize your Tupperware drawer: While you’re at it, clean out your junk drawer. Your future self will thank your...future self. Pro tip: if you haven't got any canned air, use a hairdryer to blow the dust bunnies out of drawers and windowsills.
6. Learn to cook something: Without daily runs to the market or nearby eateries, we’ll all be getting a little creative with our culinary skills, but that doesn’t mean we’ll have to sacrifice where flavor is concerned. There are tons of resources for getting inventive with dry goods or non-perishables, and both the process and resulting mealtime masterpiece are sure to keep your spirits and creativity sky high.
7. Get to know your wardrobe: For those a bit more style-inclined, this is a great opportunity to familiarize yourself with all those articles you may have lost touch with at the back of your closet (unless you’ve already Kondo-d the place, in which case, you can skip this tip). Have an '80s-movie-style wardrobe montage to get ideas (and even snap pics) of styles to wear once we’re out and about again. We suggest starting with the weird stuff.
8. Have a FaceTime dinner (or Happy Hour) date: Salt Lake restaurants might be under a “no dining” policy, but you can still enjoy a lovely, candlelit dinner for you and yours. Have everyone prep their dinner first (see tip #6) or finally fulfill that lifelong wish of having your own cooking show and whip something up in tandem. Then set the mood, pop the iPhone into “selfie” mode, and settle in for some good old-fashioned facetime. Cheers, friends.
9. Make notes: Start a “one line a day”-style journal of your time in quarantine. These are unprecedented times, no matter how you slice it, and the way you pass your days will make for a very cool and crazy story for the littler ones in your life someday.
10. Learn the words: We’ve all got songs that we’ve been singing wrong for decades (ahem...who knew it was “kiss from a rose on the GREY”?!). Take this introspective time to learn the very introspective lyrics you may have been missing, and karaoke with confidence in a few months time. Bonus point if you can work your way up to "We Didn't Start the Fire."
11. Give your yard some TLC: We might still be in Utah’s infamously fickle “pre-spring” period, but for now, the sun is on our side. Getting outside and doing a bit of spring cleaning is an excellent way to recenter, reconnect, and get some much-needed Vitamin D. Dig in.
12. Think over that big project a bit more: Maybe there’s something you’ve been wanting to pitch for a while at work, but the day-to-day task list keeps getting in the way. Use this time to really flesh things out, create a jaw-dropping presentation, and come up with a pitch that won’t leave any room for “no”--you finally have time to blow their minds.
13. Share the love: Your furry friends surely deserve a wet-nose to tip-of-tail grooming sesh. Take a sunny-day opportunity to deep clean and fluff up their bedding. They’re the real winners of this "Work From Home" movement.