Part of our ethos at cityhome is to welcome all humans- those with homes and without, those who own multiple homes and those who are forever renters. And occasionally, a friend will find an opportunity to become a homeowner in a circumstance they never thought was possible.
For this, we celebrate.
Our friend Andrew was able to find a home like this in Park City thanks to Summit County’s affordable housing income-restricted program. This program allows for folks under the average income employed in Park City to have the first opportunity of buying certain affordable units. I visited Andrew in his home where we had a beautiful view of the Wasatch Back from his second story deck.
We chatted about life, family, life changes, and we played a round of cribbage while our dogs wrestled. Then directly out front of the building we took the trails to be in nature together on a beautiful winter day. We’re so honored to celebrate our friends in their triumphs, to be with them through life ups, and hold them in life’s changes and difficulties.