Those local restaurants in the business of serving up fresh and entirely fantastic food are near and dear to our COLLECTIVE hearts. We're a gang of suckers for something good--the fact that our blog has an entire section dedicated to the food industry should tell you as much. But there are a handful of eateries around town with which we had a hand in the actual interior design, and those hold a special place with us. Enter one of our very favs, HSL...
The sister business to Park City's Handle, we partnered with one of HSL's owners, Melissa Gray, for the interior design of the space, and the result is a Tulum-esque, green and fresh vibe with food and drink menus to match (see more of our interior design photos here). It's ideal for your preferred cocktail, a quick small-plate, or the best meal of your life...and it's officially just become the perfect place for lunch and brunch! As of Pride Sunday, Briar and the HSL crew are serving up lunch five days a week, with a seasonal brunch menu and drink specials on the weekends. So, for the record...this is the place.
Full disclosure: we're still so enamored with the look/feel/flavor of HSL that we decided to use the space for our upcoming summer ad campaign spread (soon to be seen in the pages of Utah Style & Design). And while the final ad won't be available for another couple weeks, we thought we'd give you a taste via the insane video stylings of our favorite miracle worker, Pat Fenelon (watch for the sneak peek at the end, too). Have a watch, swoon at the design, and make a mental note to bow humbly to HSL's owners (Briar, Melissa, and Meagan) the next time you see them. They've done something worth celebrating.