In our COLLECTIVE opinion, the terms "green" and "sustainable" are more than buzzwords. Neither should be applied to any situation in which their meaning is used "loosely," nor do we see the effort as a short-lived trend. It stands to reason, then, that we feel a kinship to those clients and friends that stand on the same, earth-friendly side of the fence as we do. Anyone working toward making our city a cleaner, clearer, more consistently breathable place is a ace local in our COLLECTIVE book, and Chris Price is one such person. You may remember this cool guy. He's the strapping, young architect whose incredible Summit Haus graced the pages of this very website last year when he listed it. You all swooned...we did the same…and, naturally, the sustainable mecca was snapped up on the double.
keep it green, homies.
As it so happens, the new owners are a couple of talented film makers who are every bit as passionate about their new home--and what Passive Solar design can do for this planet--as we are. So, in the interest of keeping your eyes and hearts filled with all things good and green, we're here to show you a video they created about said, wonderfully-green home. If it makes you feel a twinge or two of jealousy, not to worry: we've not seen the last of Mr. Chris Price by any stretch. We have it on good authority (his, actually) that Chris is currently posted up in his live/work space (a rad little Airstream in the mountains of Summit Park) dreaming, drawing, and drooling over his next Passive Solar works of art. You can have a wee taste each below...CrestHaus and TreeHaus are in the early stages, but our minds are already blown. Our suggestion?
That you stick around for the updates.