We wanted to invite you (our pals and followers) to an event in our lounge that we think will lend itself to some awesome change in our city. We hope you'll consider joining us and contributing to the effort. Where Children Sleep is a fascinating and eye-opening exhibit currently showing at the Leonardo that offers insight into the lives of children all over the world (read more about it here). The exhibit brings to light a topic we should all be concerned with, but support goes beyond a visit to the museum...
cityhomeCOLLECTIVE has partnered with The Leonardo and Habitat for Humanity to help raise $500,000 in the greater effort to build 5 homes for 5 deserving families in our own community. We've never been ones to ask for money, friends...but we could use your help in reaching this important goal. The invite below has details, but we'd love to host you for an evening of champagne, good food, live music (you know how we like to do) and a little bit of good old-fashioned give-back.
Organizers from the Leonardo and Habitat for Humanity will speak briefly to the importance of our contributions, and the impact we can make on the lives of a few families. The long-term impact that a safe space can have on a child is incalculable, and we can all do something to help. Please join us, and please bring your credit card and/or check book...let's do what we can to build a few homes for Utah families in need and affect change in our community. For those that can't join us, please consider making a donation here.
Please RSVP to local@cityhomeCOLLECTIVE by Tuesday, Feb. 28th.