Updates + Love Notes

Spreading the (Holiday) Love

12/22/2016 | Cody Derrick
George Oakley

We dote on our clients all the time...you're the lifeblood of this little COLLECTIVE, and we hope that you know that, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Our locals, our businesses, our city as a whole--the lot of you inspire us every damn day. However, this season I felt it also worth saying that it's not just about the clients or this stellar city--it's also about the colleagues. As a business owner, I can't help but think about the co-creators of this fantastic place I get to run every day. This time of year, we find ourselves inevitably doing a couple of things: 1) celebrating with our loved ones, and 2) attending fifteen thousand meetings a day in preparation of the year to come. In just such a meeting today, I was reminded that every last one of my co-workers falls squarely into my "loved ones" category, right alongside friends and family. Yes, I love this city and her people, but this note is also a bear hug, teary-eyed, bended-knee salute to the head and heart of cityhomeCOLLECTIVE...the people that I work with everyday. I love your f*cking guts. You inspire me. Without you, this is a job. With you, it's a calling.

Happy Holidays, everyone.

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