Listing Agent: Jewel Maxfield

524 E Wilson Ave

524 E Wilson Ave, Salt Lake City, UT, 84105 / Liberty Park
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Nestled into the eclectic charm of the Sugar House adjacent Liberty-Wells district, this 1940s-era bungalow on Wilson Ave. is a bewitching little piece of home. For our part, we can't get enough of this area - the tree-lined streets, the engaging mix of historic and modern houses, and the oh-so-convenient location. It's enough to make us swoon anytime a new one hits the market. If this be your spot, you'll be a walk or a bike ride away from a diverse array of local finds that we all love: 9th & 9th (with all her food, drink, and shopping), Liberty Park (Tracy Aviary, tennis, general picnicking, ect.), and Sugar House (too much to name) are some of our favorite neighborhoods. This particular home has been beautifully modernized with an eye for detail that adds charm and warmth. Hardwood flooring in the kitchen and living room, inset bookshelves, and a cozy sit-or-serve counter top all make for easy relaxation or socialization. In fact, the space is pretty set for entertaining of all kinds. The kitchen is roomy, to put it lightly, and updated for some serious dinner party appeal, and out back is a giant back yard as fit for kicking around a ball as it is for a neighborhood BBQ (complete with a fire pit for those nights that linger and include a few s'mores). Summer seems like the perfect time to move in, no? We thought so. 

Liberty Park

This little burough--curled up kittycat-style around Salt Lake’s 2nd-largest public park--is where the shining, happy people (holding hands) live. Constantly teeming with joggers, LARPers, picnickers, and other assorted health-conscious, “outside”-type people, Liberty Park is one of the city’s central hubs of communal living.
Liberty Park

Jewel Maxfield

Jewel Maxfield is a lifer in our state, and a dedicated lover of its innumerable fine points. This force of actuation wields a resume colorful as the veritable rainbow, and thanks either to the power of irony or a self-fulfilling prophesy, Jewel is a graduate of the Gemological Institute of America. A multi-faceted career in jewelry (see that?) logically followed, and we’re led assume it was her obsession with all that glitters that brought her to our COLLECTIVE, where she’s proven to be a vital member of the mob. A polished agent and a flawless’re set to land squarely in a gem of a home.

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