Our COLLECTIVE worship of space is no secret. And since we air said worship with such frequent public declarations, we needn’t bore you with the details of our multi-faceted love of design or the contentment we find in creating those spaces that so perfectly suit the people inside. Instead, today we wish to convey a particularly zoomed focus for those spaces that find a way to “throw shade” in the most magnificent of ways. A well-curated, dark space can elevate our disposition and weaken our knees. We offer praise to the lighter side of design, too–Scandinavian, clean, sunny scenes certainly warrant devotion–but these wintery days make us want to relish in the opposite. The soft, yellow glow of a heavily dimmed bulb and the flickering fire of dripping candles and their fast-dancing shadows. A cloak of coziness that beckons for melodies of worn vinyl, a favorite spirit poured tall, and a fully-splayed hardback held captivatingly close. It’s an escape from the stir brought on by day, those moody spots.
Updates + Love Notes
Throwing Shade | Dark Inside
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It'll be fun. You've got questions, and we can't wait to answer them. Don't hold back--getting down to brass tacks is kind of our thing...
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