The only way our homes will ever really remain meaningful to us over time, is if they satisfy in us a deeper sense of what it means to be securely housed in our bodies, hearts, and minds.
This is why we have been doing our best to point ourselves, our clients and our communities back to the Self. Whether it is embodied movement classes, community meditation groups, house therapy sessions, or first time home buyer classes, we have tended to a holistic approach to real estate, design and good neighbor-ing for almost twenty years. To keep it communal, most of what we offer is spread word of mouth. We have a print menu in our COLLECTIVE homebase that folks can pick up anytime with a current schedule as well as an ever evolving list of services. Stop by and grab one, have a cup of tea or coffee and say hello. Free hugs for the touchers. Warm smiles for everyone. Or check the newsletter at the beginning of each month for a snapshot of what is hot off the press. Spoiler alert. It's us. And we are at your service. Happy March friends. What a beautiful month to be alive in this city, we call 'home'.