There's a zillion good causes around these parts, and we're thrilled as hell at how many stellar folks we've the pleasure to know that are championing worthy ones. A truly good cause is one that invests in the present to secure a fantastic future, and we can't give enough high-fives to those that think outside the box. Children's Synergistic Learning Collaborative, an alternative learning environment to traditional schools, is one such outside-the-box effort that we think is pretty inspired.
"change starts with the smallest people"
CSLC takes in children of varied ages and abilities to learn in a safe and mindful community, and they aim to provide a "collaborative, professionally-supported learning community where each child has the opportunity to develop their individual aptitudes within a safe, inclusive and naturalistic environment". CSLC is committed to creating a diverse community that is "inclusive and responsive, and is supportive of each and all of its members", because "change starts with the smallest people, and how we shape their view of the world from the beginning." As a small nonprofit, CSLC relies on charitable donations of others to sustain their mission, and they've teamed with a stellar giving event (created by the Community Foundation of Utah) called Love Utah Give Utah to raise awareness for their cause and to make donating even easier. Children's Synergistic Learning Collaborative is committed to "raising mindful kids that will carry our city into the future", and to that sentiment we can always give a hearty shout. Point. Click. Change a life.
Make a donation here.