Locals + Culture

With spring in full swing and summer right around the bend, our hearts, like the flowers in our gardens, begin to bloom. Burying our toes in the grass, our noses in our peonies and sharing a much deserved beer with a trusted neighbor are all parts of the rite of spring. That’s not to say we completely abandon the safety of our indoors– after all, it is these roofs and thresholds and sturdy foundations that are the sanctuaries seeing us through Old Man Winter’s icy grip– but rather, we extend our living spaces to include the stoops of our homes, the curated (and not so curated) backyards as well as connecting to the neighborhood at large. 

We are social animals; that’s what we do. We expand and deepen the relationships with those around us.

And as we reach out, we invite the out in. Into our homes. Our families, yes. Our friends, for sure. But also that fella up the street with the little boy who just moved in and who we don’t really know but have been meaning to get to. We commune and we listen and we laugh (and sometimes cry) because that is what makes us strong, what makes our community strong. And when we breathe, the breathing becomes easier.

So when new friends, Brent and Stephanie, Jackson and Finn, invited us into their home to let us know the time had come for them to move on from their wonderfully charming bungalow, we couldn’t get there fast enough. Over drinks and a lovely spread (thanks, Steph!), we celebrated the joy this home has brought them and bid adieu to winter and all its heavy introspection.

This season, with its 8:44pm sunsets, calls for gelato before dinner, flip flops in the garden and hearts and homes that are fully opened and ready to take in the world.

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