The Weekenders | Lava Love

1/2/2014 | Amy Tibbals
Corigan Kushma/Cody Derrick


The Weekenders | Part I | Lava Hot Springs

We whole-heartedly love living in our city. You know this. But we can’t forget one of the most important reasons why we live here; it's hella easy to get out. Utah is one of the most beautiful and geographically-diverse spots in the US kids, and a few hours in any ol' direction will see you arriving safely in another god-damn world. Snowy peaks and desert oases are just the tip of this dry iceberg. We might be without a proper coastline, but get over it: we're rich with a million and one camping spots, lovely lakes, climbing rocks, and running trails. We've got natural hot springs everywhere. There are adventures to be had and places to explore, and this is our official encouraging shout to you. Forget the tiresome obligations and the important jobs and the self-induced routines for a couple days a month and get the eff OUT. Give that free-spirited soul of yours a swift kick in the ass and out the door. You gotta rejuvenate occasionally to take on the is a balance, and SLC's proximity to the wild makes walking the fine line easy.

What, with this being the start of a new year and all, we decided to take our own advice. Stop preachin', start practicin'. The Weekenders will be a [with any luck] monthly series, wherein we'll load up, and roll out for a day or two to some untapped/out-o-town/beautiful spot on Utah's insane map. Then we'll bring it home in a wee travel guide of sorts. #Fulldisclosure: we're looking to inspire more adventure for everyone in the city. It's right there. You should take full advantage. First up in the series, a little bit of Lava.


LAVA HOT SPRINGS, 2.5 HOURS: A snowy, white weekend before Christmas calls for divey cowboy bars and hot springs. We packed the car with the proper provisions: blankets, booze, swim suits, herbs. Oh, and several pounds of holiday treats dropped off by goodly friends to the COLLECTIVE office [thanks!]. Point the car north east [via I-15] and go. Two hours later, we're cruising cooly through winter-wonderlandy vistas, small towns, and cattle ranches. McCammon exit, another 10 minutes, and boom. Tiny town, mega hot springs.

Check In: Aura Soma Lava, 196 E Main St. -- Private cabin next to the river. Personal hot spring pool. Plenty of room for a dance party.

Eat Out: The Blue Moon Bar & Grill, 89 S 1st E St. -- Authentic, local cowboy bar. Burgers and beer. Pool tables and brawls. *Don’t miss the Wagon Wheel for a classic, diner breakfast.

Spend Pesos: Black Hills Gold, Indian Crafts & Jewelry -- We missed the address here, but it's a small town; go on a walk-about and find it. Turquoise native American jewelry. Dream catchers. Ponchos and moccasins. Dogs are welcome and they'll get treats [it's not just about you].

Soak Up: Lava Hot Springs/Aura Soma Private Pools -- No chemicals, no sulfur, naturally 102-112 degrees. Perfect for a snowy day. Perfect for a nice evening. Perfect for your muscles and mind.

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Success! We'll get you on the list in short order! You can expect all future Friday mornings to be something of a dream...
a fresh dose of city culture, new listings, and top-shelf design will land squarely on your virtual doorstep.

We need to talk.

It'll be fun. You've got questions, and we can't wait to answer them. Don't hold back--getting down to brass tacks is kind of our thing...

Done. That was probably an excellent question, and we're ready to help. Hang tight...someone at cityhomeCOLLECTIVE will get back to you in a flash.