Stacey Jo Räbiger | \'ker-ij\

11/29/2012 | Amy Tibbals
Cody Derrick

Stacey Jo Räbiger is a courageous creator and a good person. In true form to the way I think a business should be run, her personality and her work can't be separated. Her company is \`ker-ij\ -- a phonetic call-out to that which she exemplifies. The inspiring term's definition:  "1 : tell the story of who you are with your whole heart."

Stacey Jo's business model is unique and working. She'll gift you with handcrafted, Artisan jewelry created to heal and adorn. Each one-off is uniquely individual, but S.J.'s objective runs deeper than the aesthetic. In her own words: "I'll help find the rock that is true to you, then adorn you with other stones that serve your higher needs. Once we've chosen the stones together, we'll design a piece of customized jewelry; something truly unique that maintains your intention and holds meaning for you. Each piece is handmade, and inspired by the simple beauty of nature and a higher awareness of the human spirit."

I've always wanted to support my friends in this life. Likewise, I love supporting my clients and employees. Given that S.J. has recently started with the COLLECTIVE as a contributing writer, photo editor, and lady of many trades, I'm getting three birds with one stone (ha! stone!). Yay, S.J.!

Visit local dealers to Fresh and Unhinged to find lovely pieces. You can also contact Stacey Jo if you'd like to gather your pals to browse existing creations or make custom pieces from available gems, stones and components. Website and info here.


Success! We'll get you on the list in short order! You can expect all future Friday mornings to be something of a dream...
a fresh dose of city culture, new listings, and top-shelf design will land squarely on your virtual doorstep.

We need to talk.

It'll be fun. You've got questions, and we can't wait to answer them. Don't hold back--getting down to brass tacks is kind of our thing...

Done. That was probably an excellent question, and we're ready to help. Hang tight...someone at cityhomeCOLLECTIVE will get back to you in a flash.