Listing Agent: Jewel Maxfield

3282 E Metro Way

3282 E Metro Way, Salt Lake City, UT, 84109 / Millcreek
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The neighborhood on this one, is enough to get our hears aflutter. She's perched in Canyon Rim, and is super close to all manner of outdoorsy-type activities, local parks, and walkable shopping and dining (even a climbing gym, for your indoor outdoorsy activities). The interior? Well, it's far from shabby. Windows keep the fantastic main living and dining spaces bathed in a wash of natural light, and the original hardwood floors will fluidly (and tastefully) guide your guests to the nearby kitchen (entertaining = easy peezy). All in all, you'll find more than enough space for stretching out both upstairs and down (those ceiling heights aren't hurting anyone), and there's spare storage in spades. All signs point to the easiest decision ever. 


Does the thought of waking up at the crack of dawn to trek through the foothills of one of Utah’s most coveted hiking trails send the butterflies in your stomach into a Patagonia puffy-vest-wearing frenzy? Then meet Millcreek: this Salty township is nestled snugly into the bosom of the Wasatch Mountains.

Jewel Maxfield

Jewel Maxfield is a lifer in our state, and a dedicated lover of its innumerable fine points. This force of actuation wields a resume colorful as the veritable rainbow, and thanks either to the power of irony or a self-fulfilling prophesy, Jewel is a graduate of the Gemological Institute of America. A multi-faceted career in jewelry (see that?) logically followed, and we’re led assume it was her obsession with all that glitters that brought her to our COLLECTIVE, where she’s proven to be a vital member of the mob. A polished agent and a flawless’re set to land squarely in a gem of a home.

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