10th Circuit Court of A-Yesplease!

6/25/2014 |

"May a State of the Union constitutionally deny a citizen the benefit or protection of the laws of the State based solely upon the sex of the person that citizen chooses to marry?"

This was the question posed earlier this morning in the United States Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit in Denver. And--to our complete and utter COLLECTIVE joy--said question has been eloquently and decidedly answered. We'll let them speak for themselves [because they did it soooo damn nicely]: "Having heard and carefully considered the argument of the litigants, we conclude that, consistent with the United States Constitution, the State of Utah may not do so. We hold that the Fourteenth Amendment protects the fundamental right to marry, establish a family, raise children, and enjoy the full protection of a state's marital laws."

Yes, yes, y'all. That means they upheld a lower-court ruling that struck down our state's bans on same-sex marriage, and that means forward progress of the best possible kind. We offer a humble bow to those six plaintiffs in the case [which happen to include our two Hummusexual pals, Derek and Moudi] who've put serious time in on the front-lines to get us where we are. A thousand thanks, and congrats to all!


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