SLCFF | Part II | Go Watch

9/26/2013 | Amy Tibbals

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We gave you a heads-up on this, remember? Hopefully, you made a savvy checkmark on your giant, Dilbert-themed wall calendar, because the Salt Lake City Film Festival is upon us, and we all best support it. We know we're being repetitive here, but this ranks among those coveted local events that are giving SLC a much-needed cultural boost. To quote one of the festival's creators: "We just need to commit to bringing the best of the best into the city. I’m not just talking about films, I’m talking about everything. Salt Lake is poised to once again be a cultural, commercial, and artistic epicenter. The SLCFF doesn’t want to influence Salt Lake City, we want to be a part of the big picture." Amen, goodly Brother Whittaker. Well put.

And with an eye single to the cause, allow us now to direct you here, where you'll find the official schedule and tickets to the shows of your choosing. For our COLLECTIVE money, we're pretty excited to see the flick below. Father's Birth is a documentary that follows Jerome and Francois, a French couple who have decided to rely on a stateside surrogate to have children. Should be an enlightening piece on France's debate over the legalization of gay adoption, as well as a heart-string tugger...double win.

Don't forget to purchase tickets for the opening night [Thursday, the 26th] par-tay, as well. From 9:00 - 11:00pm, the SLCFF will host a little soiree in the lobby of the Broadway Theater, complete with food by Clock Tower Catering, Bohemian Brewery goods, and special musical guests St. Boheme. Totally worth the 10 bucks. Do it.

Salt Lake City Film Festival | September 26th - 29th | $5 matinee, $10 evening | Schedule/tickets


Success! We'll get you on the list in short order! You can expect all future Friday mornings to be something of a dream...
a fresh dose of city culture, new listings, and top-shelf design will land squarely on your virtual doorstep.

We need to talk.

It'll be fun. You've got questions, and we can't wait to answer them. Don't hold back--getting down to brass tacks is kind of our thing...

Done. That was probably an excellent question, and we're ready to help. Hang tight...someone at cityhomeCOLLECTIVE will get back to you in a flash.