We're officially puttin' out the APB here…looking for a person of interest, if you will. cityhomeCOLLECTIVE is seeking a videographer, friends, and we're really hoping you can help us out.
It's simple, really: we'd like to make some videos, and we need the help of a guy or gal with a practical knowledge of just how that's done. Someone with a behind-the-lens savvy that we don't possess (ahem: we happen to do other things well, though). Novice, expert, or somewhere in the middle…we'd just like to find the right person. We've got loads of style and tons of ideas, but we're always open to new stuff--really, we just want a creative soul with a knack for brief, internet-friendly moving pictures. Maybe you wield an iPhone with deft skill, or you know someone with a video camera and a few good ideas. Or maybe you just know someone who knows someone else with the chops. Call us. Give them our number. Send 'em our way. Let's make some cinematic history (or, like, a few cool 2-minute vids).
Email resumés and references with work samples/portfolio to [email protected]