Muchly Due 'Thank You' | Pallet Design

11/29/2012 | Amy Tibbals
Neil Krauss

Assembling a team of people who have strengths that I do not is vital to a successful project. In short, the success of our design work on downtown's Pallet Bistro [photos below] is due to just that; a few key creatives. We've mentioned many of them intermittently over the last year and a half or so [here], but it's high time I single out one person, in particular. I'm great at dreaming the lead designer for this project, it worked well for me. But no sizable project would get done were it not for a crew with different knacks. Enter a sassy bird with talents I don't possess, Andrea Beecher. This is the gal that spends countless hours sourcing materials, finding furniture, negotiating deals, communicating with contractors and craftsman, watching deadlines, and rarely coming up for air...all to hardly be recognized for her time. It goes without saying, then, that this is a long-over-due and heart-felt 'thank you'. We want her making things COLLECTIVELY pretty with us long after that sensational whip on her head goes white. Love you, Lady Beecher. XO.

Andrea Beecher | Pallet Designer-1


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