The COLLECTIVE Sermon is reaching more and more folks, it would seem. As it does so, we're going to be bringing a few more orators into the fold. Shawn Hancock marks the first of potentially many that will serve as outside contributors -- he's not an employee, but he'll be dishing some tasty bloggery for you all, same as we do. Shawn works at FFKR [where we did this feature a couple years ago] and, it would seem, shares an undying love for Salt Lake City and the loads of creative riffraff within. In the way of introductions, I've decided to show off his "Full Disclosure" writing sample -- a fine bit of witty, well-scrawled copy that led me to say, "come 'ere, you". It's worth a read for the footnotes, alone. Check it out, just below the photos of this hunk. And watch for more from this guy. We trust you'll be pleased.
Writing Sample/Submission | Shawn Hancock
Full disclosure: I have no tattoos. Ok, that is not totally true. The year was 1995 and I somehow became infatuated with getting a tribal sun on my ankle¹ as if ink that anyone would rarely see would bring to me increased confidence and/or sexual prowess². The stage: Southern Thunder, Sugarhouse. The date: August 9th, 1995³. The artist: Mic4. The Chaperone: My Mother5. Side note: is it just me, or is this starting out like the title sequence to a Tarantino film?
I mention tattoos because as a follower (religious) of your blog, I see a lot of them. It almost appears that having skin art may be a pre-req to COLLECTIVELY participate. But I digress - I have used nearly a paragraph and a half without really saying much of anything6. Honestly, I don't know how I could fit into your COLLECTIVE, but ever since you visited FFKR and populated your web page with an incredibly sweet write-up, coupled with some amazing photos of our building, I have been intrigued. I would love to write something for your page or make a guest blog appearance.
I have been a commercial interior designer in Salt Lake City for ten7 years now, seven of which have been with the city-loving, green-focused and all around great-place-to-make-a-living, FFKR. I love design and I absolutely love Salt Lake. I will never stop designing and I will never leave this beautiful place8.
I see myself writing you something (anything) - perhaps a review of a new restaurant with spot-on decor or a new business practicing sustainable initiatives. Maybe it's a music review9 or a soliloquy on the overabundance of mustaches. It could quite possibly be a simple interview with a native fashionista or a local author10.
I wrote a report on how the United States should legalize marijuana when I was in ninth grade that appalled my teacher. I could dust that double-spaced, two-pager off, change a few dates, and make it current. Any of these ideas sound good to you? Come on. You know they do. Send me on assignment and I will contribute something positive11.
At the end of the day, perhaps what I end up writing you is this: thank you. Your COLLECTIVE inspires me and I'm sure it inspires others12.
1 I know. Feel free to stop reading now.
2 I had confidence, but it was that quiet kind. I had sexual prowess, but it was that quiet kind – like, the alone-in-your-bedroom quiet kind.
3 The author claims no incredible recall or photographic memory. I just remember Mic (the artist) complaining about all the Grateful Dead tattoos that he had to look forward to in the months to come because Jerry Garcia had passed away that day.
4 An owner of a sunny-side up egg tattoo on his elbow. In my mind, this made him totally legit as a professional in his craft. Unrelated aside: every time I dip my toast in the yolk of an egg, I can’t help think about Mic’s elbow.
5 I was merely 17 at the time and a note pinned to my shirt saying, ‘my mommy said it was okay’ just didn’t cut it.
6 Sorry.
7 Ten years!
8 Never.
9 Probably not…unless it is Wilco.
10 I enjoy reading. David Foster Wallace is in my wheelhouse.
11 Scout’s honor.
12 Omakase.