There's a lot to love about Salt Lake, and we've got a habit at theCOLLECTIVE of sharing that which what we love. We talked with our friend Angela Martindale about her company, Meals That Transform; we're excited, to say the least.  Ang is making amazing things happen.  We're thrilled to welcome her to the cityhomeCOLLECTIVE, and naturally, we're going to share her with you.

What do people need to know about your business? Meals that Transform is the leading provider of personalized, organic meals in your neighborhood. Meals are made fresh, tailored to your tastes, and delivered right to your door twice a week.  Whether it is weight loss, better health, or simply wanting convenience and more time, people choose Meals That Transform to help fulfill their health and lifestyle goals.

Who or what inspires you? My clients and results! I love seeing results. Whether it's a new recipe that turns out perfectly, or seeing clients reach the goal they were striving for. I am always inspired by my clients.

We know you've traveled the world. Any one city more inspiring than another? I have traveled all over the world for 14 years and I'm completely inspired by Salt Lake City. Our community is fabulous. I feel safe and grounded in Salt Lake. It's so incredible how much this city has changed in the past 14 years. We are so new; I feel like this is such a great time to be here and to be a part of all the growth in this great state.

In all your travels, why Salt Lake? we are nice in Salt Lake. We are community.  We are green and open to change.

How would you make Salt Lake City healthier? I would love to see Salt Lake City be more GREEN. We should have recycling in every neighborhood; at events and concerts there should be FREE filtered water for everyone; every vendor would use biodegradable utensils, plates, cups and napkins.

Give us your opinion on the importance of food:
FOOD IS VITALITY. Food assists you in living, moving, breathing, sleeping, and loving.  You cannot live without food. You are what you eat. I know that sounds simple, but it's true. When you enjoy amazing, nutritious food that feeds your soul and your body, you are FULL.

Do you have a hidden talent besides cooking? I am an incredible interior designer. I am a fabulous hostess that LOVES to have parties.

What could you not live without? Toothbrush, dental floss and lip balm.

Where do you feel safe? In my husband's arms.

Do you have a favorite room in your house? I have an amazing back patio where I can sit for hours.

What book(s) are you reading right now? Sandbox Wisdom, by Tom Asacker, Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It, by Gary Tabues, and Follow your Heart, by Andrew Matthews.

Is there something you're looking forward to? I always look forward to sharing good food with a new client. Helping them understand that nutritious food can taste fabulous.

What's your favorite article of clothing, and why? I love my riding boots. I got them in Spain and I wear them with everything. They keep me warm. With our summers being so short I can almost wear them year round.

Which of your body parts is your favorite? I love my body. I work hard at it. I really like my oblique muscles.

Do you have an animal spirit? Yes. I'm an OX.

You have to eat McDonald's every day for 1 year, or not be able to work out for 5 ...which do you choose? Not work out for 5.

If you had all the money in the world where would you be? Right here, doing exactly what I am right now.

Describe the tie between a happy home and a healthy diet: When you feel good, you live good. It takes time and effort to be healthy, and it takes time and effort to be happy. When you are happy, your home, energy and space is happy.

Thank you Angela for your involvement in the COLLECTIVE!

Meals That Transform |  801.733.9638


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