Dead Mule Pottery
The SLC Farmer's Market is still swangin' each and every Saturday, and might we suggest you work your way to Dead Mule Pottery for some seriously hand-thrown ceramics. Austin Riddle is a Salt Lake local, and if Everett Ruess had worked the wheel instead of becoming a writer, his works probably would have wielded a look similar to this. Austin depicts mules, bison, and desert colors that lend a wise-beyond-his-years look to his obvious Utah-rooted style, but you’ll also find some southern-inspired pieces with impressive, hand-drawn portraits of jazz musicians and classic moonshine jugs worthy of a no-shirt 'n' overalls front-porch jig. Austin has been hooked on pottery since his first highschool class; today you'll find him at the U studying under COLLECTIVE favorites, Andy Nasisse & Lauren Gallaspy. He uses a hand built ‘soda kiln’ which gives his pottery unpredictable and awesome results. This is some kick-ass [boom, nailed it] pottery worth a spot on the mantle/bedside table/liquor cabinet. Go give the man some well-deserved love.
Dead Mule Pottery | SLC Farmers Market, each Saturday + Tuesday