Back in the day [waaaay back…think 16th century], they called it a "salon": it's a gathering, really. A place where like-minded individuals can come together and exchange ideas. An intriguing host [that's us] and an inspiring speaker [read below] would invite some folks over for general amusement and edification on the topic at hand. Yes. We quite like the notion of a salon.
Call it Lounge Lessons. Call it The Dark Salon. Call it The Inspiration Station. Whatever the moniker, just join us, would you? Thursday evening [that's tomorrow], Mr. Stephen Goldsmith will be here to chat with us about "making the invisible visible." Stephen is the creator of Artspace and a pioneer in urban planning…just the person that we need to be inspired--nay--moved to change. It'll be casual and convivial, enlightening and enjoyable. Come around 6:30, and bring a bottle and a snack, if you're so inclined. We'll commence chatting around 7:00 or so. Let's put our COLLECTIVE thinking caps on, toss around some ideas, and start kindling some positive change. Huzzah!
Lounge Lessons with Stephen Goldsmith | Thursday, Sept. 11th, 6:30pm to 9:00pm
cityhomeCOLLECTIVE HQ, 645 E South Temple, SLC