Lounge Lessons, Pt. I | A Reminder

9/10/2014 |

Back in the day [waaaay back…think 16th century], they called it a "salon": it's a gathering, really. A place where like-minded individuals can come together and exchange ideas. An intriguing host [that's us] and an inspiring speaker [read below] would invite some folks over for general amusement and edification on the topic at hand. Yes. We quite like the notion of a salon.

Call it Lounge Lessons. Call it The Dark Salon. Call it The Inspiration Station. Whatever the moniker, just join us, would you? Thursday evening [that's tomorrow], Mr. Stephen Goldsmith will be here to chat with us about "making the invisible visible." Stephen is the creator of Artspace and a pioneer in urban planning…just the person that we need to be inspired--nay--moved to change. It'll be casual and convivial, enlightening and enjoyable. Come around 6:30, and bring a bottle and a snack, if you're so inclined. We'll commence chatting around 7:00 or so. Let's put our COLLECTIVE thinking caps on, toss around some ideas, and start kindling some positive change. Huzzah! 

Lounge Lessons with Stephen Goldsmith | Thursday, Sept. 11th, 6:30pm to 9:00pm

cityhomeCOLLECTIVE HQ, 645 E South Temple, SLC

city-home-collective-office-6 city-home-collective-office-17


Success! We'll get you on the list in short order! You can expect all future Friday mornings to be something of a dream...
a fresh dose of city culture, new listings, and top-shelf design will land squarely on your virtual doorstep.

We need to talk.

It'll be fun. You've got questions, and we can't wait to answer them. Don't hold back--getting down to brass tacks is kind of our thing...

Done. That was probably an excellent question, and we're ready to help. Hang tight...someone at cityhomeCOLLECTIVE will get back to you in a flash.