Green Homes Tour 2015

8/13/2015 | Amy Tibbals

It's time again for the USGBC Annual Green Homes Tour…that time of year when we turn COLLECTIVELY green (a gorgeous, flattering hue, obviously) with equal parts envy and joy. Envy for the amazing, eco-frienldy structures we have yet to build/live in for ourselves; joy for the opportunity to tour some of the most innovative, newfangled, sustainably-built homes in our sensational state. We're talking dope designs and heaps of inspiration here, folks. The tour will see spaces throughout Salt Lake, Emigration Canyon, and Park City, and for a wee 5-spot, you get access to nearly all of them ($5 can take you so many places in SLC). BUT…there's a new option this year that we're pretty excited about: the Party Bus! Don't get us wrong…there's no drinking allowed, but it's def going to be a good time. For just $15, you can climb aboard le bus for a guided tour and access to a few special homes that others won’t get  to see. Plus, you'll be provided a tasty lunch from Even Steven’s Sandwiches, aaand you’ll be sparing the air your unnecessary fumes. Win, win, win. Seating is limited, so be sure to get registered ASAP.  And for those of you that love this idea so much that you're dying to be involved, please say something…volunteers are needed! A few photos below will give you a peek at some of the downright delicious homes on the tour, and you can check the flyer at the bottom for details. Either way, we think you should all make an effort to support the homeowners, homebuilders, architects, and brave souls who are working to make a positive change in the way we utilize space. It's the ultimate love where you live.

Register here: | August 22nd, 9:00am to 4:00pm (SLC: 9am-1pm, Park City: 12pm-4pm)

Sporano-Mooney-Architecture-Salt-Lake-Emigration-Canyon-Modern-1 Sporano-Mooney-Architecture-Salt-Lake-Emigration-Canyon-Modern-Home-20 green-homes-tour-2015-3 green-homes-tour-2015-1 green-homes-tour-2015-2 green-homes-tour-2015-4 230-parkview-drive-41 230-parkview-drive-40 Screen Shot 2015-08-12 at 12.50.43 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-12 at 12.50.54 PM2015 Green Homes Flyer_white-1-2


Success! We'll get you on the list in short order! You can expect all future Friday mornings to be something of a dream...
a fresh dose of city culture, new listings, and top-shelf design will land squarely on your virtual doorstep.

We need to talk.

It'll be fun. You've got questions, and we can't wait to answer them. Don't hold back--getting down to brass tacks is kind of our thing...

Done. That was probably an excellent question, and we're ready to help. Hang tight...someone at cityhomeCOLLECTIVE will get back to you in a flash.