As our economic climate has changed over the years, so has the real-estate market. With more and more foreclosures on the market, the playing field has leveled. So what can you do to make a property stand out from the rest, to grab that sale?
Drum roll, please...staging! It's been proven on a national scale, time and time again, that staged homes typically sell faster than those not staged. It's precisely why we, as a COLLECTIVE, decided to offer an in-house staging service.
Staging can mean different things; we may simply work with what you have to create a more cohesive space, or, alternately, we may start from scratch in an effort to stage an entire room or house, top to bottom. No matter the scenario, the goal is to create an environment that allows the potential buyer to imagine a life in your space, to create an emotional connection (and all of this sans the "staged" look). One of the best compliments I've received was when a neighbor couple came through the open house of one of our staged listings, which had been unoccupied for some time. "I had no idea that someone is living here," she said. Eureka! The space should never feel manufactured or look like it's straight out of a showroom; it should feel warm and inviting and speak to the style and scale of the home.
Check out the attached photos of our latest staged home and featured listing, Colonial place. You can also take a peak at
Contact me at theCOLLECTIVE to ask questions about staging for your home/event/etc.