COLLECTIVELY, we may or may not have mentioned our adoration for Mr. Jesse Walker in the past [we have]. We're happy to support this fella's efforts in any way we can, so we're sponsoring what will undoubtedly be a super-duper fun time event. The 3rd Annual Bunny Hop will go off at The Garage [in the Marmalade district] on March 31st, and we think you should show up. Good food and drinks will obviously be in attendance, but more importantly, a small collection of rad D.J.'s [Jesse included] will be on hand for the purposes of grooving and egg hunting. Judging by our sunshine as of late, it'll likely be gorgeous out -- perfect weather for some beer and cornhole. Best part: we can all make a donation to the Nikki Breedlove Recovery Fund. Eat, drink, dance, play, donate. Perfect Easter.