Those of you who attended our 4th Annual Brew + 'Q a few weeks back can attest to the BBQ-fueled merriment that was had (and those of you who missed it missed out). As with bashes past, the equation was simple: We supplied the food, fizz, and tunes--you turned out in droves. Yes, we love our salty home (and all y'all) the whole year long, but the Brew + 'Q is the one night a year where we get to COLLECTIVELY pull out the finest flatware (figuratively) and have you all to dinner. We eat, we drink, we hug, and we dance--with each an' every one of you--in an effort to give thanks for all that you do (mainly, allowing us to love both where we live and where we work on the daily). To all that helped make it a success (suppliers of goods, grillers of meats, spinners of tunes, and 11th-hour fetchers of ice and beer): Thank you. To those who couldn't make it: Allow this little video to serve as your invite to next year's 'Q.
'Til then, our friends.