By now, y’all are privy to the AIGA and that graphic good they grind so well--or you should be, if you read our write up on the 100 Show judges. As we mentioned in the lil’ write up, the AIGA [American Institute of Graphic Art, if you’re nasty] is the oldest and largest professional membership organization for design, and they do a wealth of good for artsy-type communities--not just here in SLC, but nationwide. Each year the crafty coalition puts on a gala and benefit show featuring 100 pieces of the city’s finest works of graphic art--aptly titled the 100 Show.
This year’s event is a biggy--it marks the 100th for the AIGA and the 25th for our local chapter. The spoils on display at the show are the fruits of many-a-laborer, and said fruits have been hand-plucked by the four choice judges selected. The evening is set to include good food and drink, and plenty of mixin’ n’ minglin’. Also: the chance to cop some swell one-of-a-kind pieces from local artists in a silent auction. This thing’s got our COLLECTIVE gold star of approval, and we’re joined in sponsor-hood by the likes of Red Rock Brewery, Big Cartel, and The Mandate Press [needless to say, the company is good]. The shindy goes down Saturday, May 17 at the UMFA. Put on your best gala hat, purchase your tickets nice and early, and get all inspired-like.
AIGA 100 Show Gala | Saturday, May 17th | Utah Museum of Fine Arts | Purchase tickets here