Liberty Park
This little burough--curled up kittycat-style around Salt Lake’s 2nd-largest public park--is where the shining, happy people (holding hands) live. Constantly teeming with joggers, LARPers, picnickers, and other assorted health-conscious, “outside”-type people, Liberty Park is one of the city’s central hubs of communal living.
View Listings in this AreaLiberty Park Listings

652 E Roosevelt Ave, Salt Lake City, 84105 / Liberty Park

834 Blair Street, Salt Lake City, 84111 / Liberty Park
These athletic and chipper Salt Lake citizens have every reason to be blissfully happy. This area is home to the newly opened Picnic, the Tracy Aviary, and The Park Cafe (have some coffee outside and park-people-watch while you wait), and just next door to 9th & 9th.
Minutes to downtown
Or a 45 minute walk, if the weather's nice.
Minutes to SLC Int'l Airport
Fly a kite, then hop a flight.

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