Tastemakers | 'Good' Time

6/26/2013 |
Kerri Jo Fukui & Amy Tibbals

 It's called Tastemakers, so right off the bat, you can expect good sh*t to happen. We attended this year's saliva-summoning block party and obviously found a fair bit of 'yum'. For those that didn't know that some really great Salt Lakers come together each year to organize an event wherein our city's best restaurants, bistros, and breweries serve bites and sips for wandering locals, we've got some advice that's two-fold: 1) read/follow our blog with a more unwavering fervor, and 2) be at-the-ready for next year's happening. Click below for more information, or just browse the photos to get a taste of what was served.

Salt Lake Magazine's Tastemakers | Facebook



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It'll be fun. You've got questions, and we can't wait to answer them. Don't hold back--getting down to brass tacks is kind of our thing...

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