Businesses + Events

We’ve all got issues, gang. Sh*t that requires daily work. We’ve got stress and anxiety, frustrations and irritation. It’s emotional, psychological, and mental…and we’re all slogging through it as best we can. But Salt Lake City residents may not know that some of those issues might just be worked out one sweet, sweaty class at a time…

Enter rebel house. for pedaling, punching, and peace.

First-timers to this joint are likely to walk in thinking about calories or goals and walk out happily high on nothing but the good vibes. This is the kind of place that enables you to stop focusing on the dreaded workout and think instead of how great it feels to just be there.

Rebel is run by a team of people who, quite simply, practice what they preach. Owners Devin and Nina sought to create a judgement-free, uplifting space where people could feel empowered to better themselves, no matter what that looks like. Says Devin, “Rebel House is a safe space, a space of inclusiveness, a place for people to focus on themselves, to disconnect from their phone, their job, etc." Adds Nina, "you get what you give, and giving acceptance and inclusiveness is a beautiful thing. Especially when it's wrapped up in a sweat dripping environment that creates real results and changes in you physically and mentally."

There are no expectations at Rebel (and it's kind of the best part). You can take a cycling class or a boxing class (or both) and be on your way. Go hide in the darkest corner of the room (the lights are off! No judgement!) and duck out quickly if you’re feeling anxious (guilty, as charged). Or you can show up ready for support and conversation. It’s all equally encouraged. Alone time, friend time, sweat time, mentor time, party time. Rebel’s an all-the-time-spot.

If you can't solve your problems in an hour, at least you'll come out with a clearer head. 

Kudos to Devin, Nina, and the team for taking on the turbulent life that comes with starting a business, so that we can all be better equipped to work on ourselves. Do yourself a favor, and keep reading below to get to know these fantastic people. Then make your way to Rebel House.

Rebel House | 320 W 200 S | 801.718.7448

Why Salt Lake? In business and in life, for that matter?
Devin: Nina and I are both from Utah. We grew up in this city, and we thought we wanted nothing more than to get out of Utah.  When we started dating we traveled all over the world and then moved to San Diego because we thought we would find what we were looking for outside of Utah. After a few years we knew that we wanted to be in SLC because we felt we could contribute to making it a place people wanted to call home...that we could create a space that revolved around community and bring some of the culture we experienced traveling the world. Utah is such a rad place to live and play and we felt like by creating Rebel we would contribute to that.
I love the hell out of this city. It took me traveling the world for 7 years, and living in California for less than a year (8 years ago) to realize just how much I love it here and that the grass wasn't greener on the other side. Growing up, I felt this city was too small and lacked what I desired in a day-to-day lifestyle, but the past 10 years of living downtown in the heart of the city and watching it grow has been one amazing site to see. I can't wait to see what's to come for our city, and what we can contribute to it.

Tell us about the Rebel client:
Our clientele is extremely diverse in their backgrounds and physical abilities and that's how we like it. One thing they all seem to have in common is heart. Our people are caring--to the point that I get chills on the daily with the acts of kindness I see.
The answer is pretty awesome actually. We have attracted people who want to feel connected, who want to give love and who want to work hard to feel empowered. We have become a cultural center, and we have people of all walks of life that show up and work their asses off for a common cause to be better and feel better.

There’s a lot of heart in your business, from employees to clients. How do you cultivate this without being cheesy or disingenuous?
Nina and I have always said it is never about the bike or the bag…it is about the experience that we provide. We believe whole heartedly that we all just want to feel connected, we want to feel like we are apart of something bigger than ourselves. Rebel is and will always be built on a connection. Our trainers and front-of-house staff all show up everyday to feel that connection just like our community, and that community showing up to do hard things with a smile makes it all worth it for all of us.
Nina: Coming to Rebel House we often hear "I really love this place and how I feel when I'm here...and I can't put my finger on why," from our clients. We believe whole heartedly that it is because we are so dedicated to genuinely getting to know everyone, and not on just a surface level. We really feel like a majority of the clients as the Rebel family who spend countless hours together in an uplifting and accepting environment.

You're helping people transform. But how has opening and running this place transformed you?
This has been personally so transformative in seeing just how good people are out there. With how bleak the media is now a days, how many people struggle to keep up with the perfectly portrayed person they see on social media, how much sadness there is out's been incredible to watch all of the love that our space and people bring to it. Getting people together for fundraisers and raising large amounts of money to go towards bettering the world has helped me feel value, light, and optimism in my own life. I have never been one to want the spot light and I love seeing the difference I can make in peoples lives from what I can orchestrate and dream up behind the scenes.
I’m going to answer this in two pieces. 1) It is the hardest thing we have ever experience, we have never had a staff, we have never had to give feedback to people good and bad, we have never had to create an experience for people that makes them want to keep coming back, it's hard, there have been a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of stress, a lot of tears! 2) I told my mom the other day that up until we opened Rebel I was unfulfilled, that I knew that my life was destined for something more. Today I could honestly say that if I died tomorrow, I would be proud of what Nina and I and are team have done. We did not build this place because we wanted to be rich, or to be known as “successful”, we built this place because we wanted to feel connected to other people and make the world a better place. The people have transformed me.

Got any great advice for other business owners?
Being a business owner is hard, and sucks at times, but is also the most rewarding thing you can experience. If you don’t love what you are doing and full-heartedly believe in what you do, don’t do it. Because when you are working 100+ hrs a week, and you’re broke and have more debt than you know what to deal with, you will quit, haha. But if you are serious about what you want to do then just go for it. The universe will open doors that you never knew were there. But remember, you have to be open to it and you have to be willing to wear all the weight on your shoulders.
Nina: something that you love. I know we've all heard that a million times, but it's SO TRUE. What gives you the chills? Do that and the success will follow if you're willing to work hard and put your whole heart in it.

Let’s say you overheard someone talking about Rebel House…what would you hope to hear them say?
If I were to hear about Rebel from a stranger I'd want to hear that it's a place that makes them feel better than when they walked in. I want it to inspire those who walk in the door to be better, and do better each and every day.
I would hope to hear them say that the community is what makes Rebel amazing. That there is no judgment. That it is inclusive.


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