Dubbed Project Homeless Connect, this fantastic effort is centered around bringing all manner of community volunteers together to provide essential services to individuals and families either at risk of, or currently experiencing homelessness. A cause that is beyond admirable, no doubt. And they could use a touch of your help. Free laundry services are among those being offered for the event, and in an effort to further this fervent bit of philanthropy, we have a request: simply, that you good people offer a small donation in the form of laundry detergent pods.
make a quick run to the store. Or just raid the cabinet above your own washer and dryer.
Really, we don’t care how you get ‘em, but once you’ve got 'em, drop them off at our office, and we’ll be happy to take them off your hands (pods only, please). If you'd like to help in other ways, your efforts are more than welcome, and you can call the number on the flyer below to donate or volunteer. This truly is an effort that deserves our attention. As Project Homeless Embrace so aptly points to on their site, homelessness is something someone experiences, not who they are. As members of this community, it should be our COLLECTIVE intention to make sure that experience is as short and painless as possible.
Please bring all pod donations to CHC Headquarters (645 E South Temple)
Drop off Monday through Friday, between 9:00am and 5:00pm, from now until October 5th