The Market's Farmers | Part V

9/11/2013 | Amy Tibbals
Corigan Kushma

Dead Mule Pottery

The SLC Farmer's Market is still swangin' each and every Saturday, and might we suggest you work your way to Dead Mule Pottery for some seriously hand-thrown ceramics. Austin Riddle is a Salt Lake local, and if Everett Ruess had worked the wheel instead of becoming a writer, his works probably would have wielded a look similar to this. Austin depicts mules, bison, and desert colors that lend a wise-beyond-his-years look to his obvious Utah-rooted style, but you’ll also find some southern-inspired pieces with impressive, hand-drawn portraits of jazz musicians and classic moonshine jugs worthy of a no-shirt 'n' overalls front-porch jig. Austin has been hooked on pottery since his first highschool class; today you'll find him at the U studying under COLLECTIVE favorites, Andy Nasisse & Lauren Gallaspy. He uses a hand built ‘soda kiln’ which gives his pottery unpredictable and awesome results. This is some kick-ass [boom, nailed it] pottery worth a spot on the mantle/bedside table/liquor cabinet. Go give the man some well-deserved love.

  Dead Mule Pottery | SLC Farmers Market, each Saturday + Tuesday



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