Charles Landry | CREATE

2/27/2014 | Amy Tibbals

The Downtown Alliance [together with Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City, InterNet Properties, Fidelity Investments, and CRSA Architects] presents CREATE DOWNTOWNSLC: CREATIVE CITY.

Guest of Honor [and author of The Creative City: A Toolkit for Urban Innovators], Charles Landry, will speak at the Salt Lake City Main Library on “The Creative City Index,” his method -- developed with Jonathan Hyams -- for mapping a city’s “creative pulse”. Landry’s Index takes into account politics, diversity, entrepreneurship, openness and leadership to determine “creative abilities and potential”. In short, the Index helps cities [see our entirely awesome one below] to understand and realize their potential for standing the test of time while creating some really cool shit. Landry will speak on helping Salt Lake to “generate a highlighting what it needs to achieve”.

Join us in becoming masters of our COLLECTIVE destiny. Be there next Friday, March 7th, at 10 am at the Salt Lake City Main Library. Admission is free [wooo!], but seating is limited, so please be sure to pre-register at the link below. Let’s get enlightened, folks.

CREATEDOWNTOWNSLC | Friday, March 7th, 10am | Salt Lake City Main Library | Register here



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